The Oscars

The Oscars

Ellen hosting the Oscars was an amazing experience for everyone! She used her funny personality and witty expression to take the crowd by storm. I would love to see her host again!

Some of the night’s highlight: Jennifer Lawrence falling again, John Travolta announcing Idina Menzel’s name wrong completely, Ellen handing out pizza to some of the audience, and sadly “The Wolf of Wall Street” going in with 5 nominations and not winning any of them. That last one was what shocked me the most.

Even to this day Leonardo DiCaprio still hasn’t won an Oscar. I think it is because of the controversial roles that he has played in each film he is nominated in. I find it sad because he is an amazing actor and deserves to win one. Well my message to you Mr. DiCaprio is to keep doing what you do best and one day you will win that Oscar.

Congrats to all the winners of this year’s Oscars!

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